Clinical Advisor Cochrane Clinical Answers Hematology/Oncology and Psychiatry
SG Consulting is proud of having been elected to act on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCA) editors as Clinical Advisor for clinical answers in hematology&oncology and psychiatry.
Examples of authored CCAs include:
Published CCAs (selection)
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). In people with multiple myeloma, how does bortezomib affect outcomes? 2017. DOI: 10.1002/cca.
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors).In adults with chemotherapy-induced anemia, how does adding iron supplementation to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) compare with ESAs alone? 2016. DOI: 10.1002/cca.1306.
Cochrane Clinical Answers Jane Burch (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). How do bisphosphonates compare with placebo/no treatment and each other in people with multiple myeloma? 2016. DOI:
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors. In people undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, what are the effects of interventions to prevent hepatic veno-occlusive disease?. 2015. DOI:
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). What are the effects of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for the treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma? 2015. DOI:
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). How does positron emission tomography-adapted therapy as first-line treatment affect outcomes in people with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma? 2015. DOI:
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). How does prophylactic platelet transfusion after chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation affect outcomes in patients with hematological disorders? 2012. DOI: 10.1002/cca.769.
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). How does escalated BEACOPP chemotherapy compare with ABVD in people with early unfavorable or advanced stage Hodgkin lymphoma? 2012. DOI: 10.1002/cca.424.
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors). What are the effects of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for the treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma? 2012. DOI: 10.1002/cca.425.
Cochrane Clinical Answers Sera Tort (MD) and Simona Nistor-Grahl (MD, PhD) (on behalf of Cochrane Clinical Answers Editors. In people with early stage Hodgkin lymphoma, how does chemotherapy alone compare with chemotherapy plus radiotherapy? 2012. DOI:10.1002/cca.426